Telnet and eMail

Ludovic Thébault ludovic.thebault at
Thu Jul 24 15:47:01 EDT 2003


for fun and for learn, i want to wrote a little app to connect to my 
pop server by telnet, to delete spam messages.

I'm not able to get messages from the host :

on mouseup
  open socket to pop.myhost:110 
  read from socket pop.myhost:110 with message "itswork" -- ok, it's 
  write "USER"&&mylogin & cr to socket pop.myhost:110 with message 
write "PASS"&&myPass & cr to socket pop.myhost:110 with message 
write "LIST" & cr to socket pop.myhost:110 with message "itsdone"
end mouseup

on itswork socketID, theMsg
put theMsg into fld "Messages"
end itswork

on itsdone socketID
put cr & socketID after fld "Messages"
end itsdone

- how to display messages (like "+OK password required") send by the 
host in a field ? The callbackmessage display only the socket host.

- Why i need to click several time to the button to have the list of 
emails ? And why this doesn't work in debug mode ?


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