perl regex modifiers

Alex Rice alrice at
Thu Jul 24 11:01:01 EDT 2003

On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 09:23  AM, Dar Scott wrote:

> The only modifiers at the page I mentioned are ismx.  (I use i but use 
> methods where the others do not apply.)  Maybe the work of g can be 
> done with some combination of those?

Actually the "g" modified is mentioned on that page (towards the 
bottom) It's meaning in Perl is "globally find all matches". It matches 
as many times as it can, which is especially relevant in an 
substitution context.

transcript's replaceText() works on all matches by default, which is 
why it doesn't need to understand "g" modifier, I am guessing.

In _Programming  Perl_ p.150

i,s,m,x,o are pattern modifiers (apply to the regex)
g,cg are are pattern modifiers (change the behavior of the match 
operation itself)

Matching Modifiers (m//)
i - ignore alphabetic case
m - let ^ and $ and match next to embedded newline
s - let . match newline and ignore deprecated $* variable (match 
multiple things)
x - ignore whitespace and permit comments in pattern
o - compile pattern once only
g - globally find all matches
cg - allow continued search after failed /g match

Substitution Modifiers (s//)
i,m,s,x,o,g (same as above)
e - evaluate the right side as an expression

There are also some modifiers for Translation (tr//)

> I would guess that Revolution regex is based on some library and there 
> might be better docs for that.

That would be good know. I am guessing there is a C library called PCRE 
and that's what is used in RR.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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