LibURL & file-encoding question

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Jul 23 06:42:02 EDT 2003

--- "tkuypers at" <tkuypers at> wrote:
> Jan,
> I figured your solution out about 3 minutes after I
> sent my mail, but too
> bad... It's a no-go :-(
> What happens:
> Use Explorer to fetch the XML data from the
> database:
>   -> Shows perfect in the browser.
> Save the file as an XML-file and re-open it:
>   -> Parsing error
> Open the XML in Notepad and save with UTF8 encoding:
>   -> Shows perfect in the browser.
> Then:
> Get the url in RR and put it into tXMLData
> put uniEncode(tXMLData,"UTF8") into URL("file:" &
> tFilePath)
> Result: < ? x m l  v e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 " etc.
> The second byte is obviously not used in the XML, so
> encoding does what it
> has to do, but messes things up.
> The XML does not have the encoding-part in the
> header, when I add it before
> saving there is no difference.
> Do you know if the XML in the database (Oracle)
> needs to be "formatted" or
> transmitted in a special way by any chance? The
> strange thing is that
> Explorer works with it fine, but saving the file
> screws it up...
> Warm regards,
> Ton Kuypers

Hmm, interesting. Have you tried comparing the
different files ?
- the 'Source' from the 'View' menu in IE
- the saved file from IE
- the saved file from Notepad
- the file from RR

Maybe that can point in a certain direction.

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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