
Klaus Major klaus at
Sun Jul 20 06:43:03 EDT 2003

Bonjour Yves,

> Hi
> I have a newbie question
> I don't understand the meaning on the "closestackrequest"
> Can anyone gives me an sample of a script using this command ?

When you close a window/stack, the message "closestackrequest" i sent 
to the engine.

If there is no handler that deals with "closestackrequest" then the 
window/stack will just close.

If you have a handler, you can either prevent the window from closing 
and/or implement
some "clean-up" etc... scripts before the window closes...

2 examples (stack script):

on closestackrequest
   ##  nothing here :-)
end closestackrequest

will never let the window close ;-)

on closestackrequest
   pass closestackrequest
end closestackrequest

If the user closes or quits, this scriupt will call a handler of what 
kind ever
and after this has finished we pass the "closestackrequest" and the 
stack will finally close.

Hope that helps.

> Greetings.
> Yves COPPE


Klaus Major
klaus at

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