RTFText, HTMLText, and Formatted Content in RR

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Thu Jul 17 21:11:00 EDT 2003

Recently, Dan Shafer wrote:

> I have whiled away many hours in the past three days trying to find the
> most efficient and effective way to go from a Microsoft Word .doc file
> to a reasonably clean, standards-compliant (or at least not
> standards-defiant) HTML format.
> ...
> My reluctant conclusion is that applications that rely heavily on
> richly formatted text are not a candidate for RR development. That's a
> HUGE disappointment but the good news is those aren't the only kinds of
> apps I'm interested in building.

You chose one of the worst formats to work with.  Word documents include a
severe amount of proprietary formatting (garbage characters) which make them
almost impossible to reliably parse.  Your best bet would be to try one of
the simpler text formats that Word can save out, but besides RTF I don't
know which formats include style information.  I seem to recall Word having
the ability to save documents in HTML format -- are you trying to solve a
specific problem?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
Email: scott at tactilemedia.com
Web: www.tactilemedia.com

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