What Goves?

Shao Sean shaosean at unitz.ca
Thu Jul 17 09:20:01 EDT 2003

> Not too bad! It's a major flaw in my estimation. And since
> others have  reported it I think it warrants

i'm sure that it has been looked at, or will be (if someone
submits it to the bug-base).. but, obviously, it won't be
fixed in the version you're using ;-)

> It's extremely tedious  having to use the
> mouse and menus to accomplish repetitive tasks and it 
> slows things down tremendously.

isn't the save command on the button bar? you could use that
in the meantime?

> preferences to  their defaults didn't help.

sorry to hear that, but it did work for someone else

> I understand that. My point is that I'm not inclined to
> renew the  license for software that has these problems.

and if the problems are fixed? you can always download the
free/30-day version and see if the problems you've been
having are sorted out and then choose at anytime to renew,
if you are so inclined too..

> when I try using them, the corresponding menu will  flash
> but the operation will fail. I'm completely baffled by

sounds like they broke something.. but hey, i'd like to see
any complex piece of software that's perfect.. at least the
RunRev team has a way of submitting bugs and they do follow
up on them (2 of mine have been resolved)..

> Macromedia refuses to accept the fact  that transition
> effects are important enough to fix. Can you believe  it?

yeah i can believe it, but runrev is not macromedia and even
the littlest thing will be looked at and they will attempt
to fix it (so long as they are aware of it)

> As I continue to work with Rev 2.0.1 I'm discovering other
> quirks. For  example, when I transition to a card that
> contains a default button the  button magically appears on
> the starting card before the transition  begins.

did you bug report it? i know that sounds lame to keep
saying, but just b*tching about something and not using the
tools they offer won't get it resolved.. as for a cheap work
around now, why not take a screen cap of the button, make it
a graphic and then hide the button until the transition is
completed.. could work ;-)

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