Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Mon Jul 7 13:07:00 EDT 2003

Salut, Yves.

Sorry to hear you are (a) having difficulties and (b) having problems 
getting answers.

I don't have answers; but suggestions as to what I would try next:

1° 1.  Try creating a folder without diacriticals and renaming it.

1° 2.  Try creating a folder with diacriticals in the OS or another 
app [probably dumb; but I'm an ignorant Anglo with no experience in 
this area   :{`)     ]

2° 1.  Are you seeing the OS X beach ball spinning while this happens?

2° 2.  How does the size of the stack, + any images or other 
resources that load with it, compare to the amount of physical RAM 
available after allowing for the OS?

Hope this helps a little.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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