Another Script Editing Tip
erik hansen
erikhans08 at
Tue Jul 1 19:14:01 EDT 2003
--- Dar Scott <dsc at> wrote:
> > this is the first instance of a handler name
> > using chars other than numbers, letters,
> > and "_" that i have seen. more wonders.
> There are a handful of characters that will
> 'work'.
> For a little while I used ? at the end of the
> names of functions that
> returned true or false. However, Scott Raney
> has advised against using
> anything outside the set you mentioned because
> of potential future
> changes. In addition, I was being
> inconsistent. I have been
> suggesting that Revolution get a expression
> style 'if' that doesn't
> evaluate all arguments and even suggested the C
> notation involving ?
> and : to do it. So I was suggesting a feature
> that would break my code.
> I now put "Is" after the library name (if any)
> and before the rest of
> the name to indicate a function that returns
> true or false. Example:
> spyIsErikOnline()
erik at
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