Another Script Editing Tip
erik hansen
erikhans08 at
Tue Jul 1 17:12:01 EDT 2003
--- Howard Bornstein <bornstein at>
> to lock and unlock a text field.
> I had this script in my home stack:
> on mousewithin
> global currentTarget
> put the target into currenttarget
> if currenttarget contains "field" then
> if the commandkey is down and the shiftkey
> is down then
> set locktext of currenttarget to not
> locktext of currenttarget
> wait 20 -- just so you don't toggle it on
> and off if someone
> -- leaves the option key down
> end if
> end if
> end mousewithin
> This script doesn't work in Revolution (unless
> it's in the actual field
> you're trying to affect. It won't work in the
> stack script.)
> Apparently the mousewithin message doesn't
> travel up the hierarchy like
> it does in HC. Can you tell me why?
there is a similar handler in the Winkler/
De Voto book using mouseUp. this works for
me in 1.1
erik at
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