Huge stack bloat...

Edwin Gore edgore at
Tue Jul 1 14:23:00 EDT 2003, does cloning a card work VERY differently than creating a new card? I ask because I have a stack where in a previous version I was using create card, but then I put in some card scripts, which I wanted to have included in new cards based on a template card. I was lazy, and didn't want to go through the work of moving the scripts into a background, or moving them up to the stack level.

Now it used to be that with around 500 cards this stack would be 6-700K.

Now that I switched to making new cards by cloaing, the same number of cards is about 35mb.

Whejn you clone a card is it acually making new copies of all the objects on that card - INCLUDING BACKGROUNDS?!?!

That just seems...I dunno...crazy.

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