Huge stack bloat...

Scott Rossi scott at
Tue Jul 1 14:49:00 EDT 2003

Recently, "Edwin Gore"  wrote:

>, does cloning a card work VERY differently than creating a new card?

Yes -- cloning includes all card elements on the current card.  Creating a
new card creates an empty card.

> I ask because I have a stack where in a previous version I was using create
> card, but then I put in some card scripts, which I wanted to have included in
> new cards based on a template card. I was lazy, and didn't want to go through
> the work of moving the scripts into a background, or moving them up to the
> stack level.
> Now it used to be that with around 500 cards this stack would be 6-700K.
> Now that I switched to making new cards by cloaing, the same number of cards
> is about 35mb.
> Whejn you clone a card is it acually making new copies of all the objects on


> That just seems...I dunno...crazy.

Not really.  It's quite a timesaver when, as you say, one is feeling lazy
(you could substitute the word "productive" here) and doesn't want to go
through the hassle of copying all elements from one card to another.

You have both options for copying a card: create and clone.  Pick the option
that suits your need.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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