Setting Pixels - Congratulations Monte!
Dave LeYanna
dleyanna at
Thu Jan 30 11:24:00 EST 2003
GREAT JOB folks!
At 02:04 PM 1/30/03 -0200, you wrote:
>Monte has beat us ALL to the punch! Making his recommended alterations to
>the little test routine shows us that there is no substitute for a good
>knowledge of the timing aspects of the Transcript language. The timings on
>my machine are similar to his. Thanks Monte!
>So now I can apply all that has been recommended and try a real "eraser"
>test. Who knows, it might be agile enough to implement in "pure" Transcript.
>That said, of course the problem becomes analogous to the one I had in VB.
>"Pure" VB worked more or less OK, but some bright spark eventually found a
>way of accessing the image data directly, so that procedures like -
>put the imageData of image "bmw.bmp" into iData
>set the imageData of image "bmw.bmp" to iData
>- became unnecessary. Consequently, the advice "DON'T use VB for graphics"
>became far less true, although of course it is a long way from being an
>instrument for constructing games. To achieve something similar in
>Transcript might also be an advantage in terms of speed leading to the
>statement "You CAN use Transcript for graphics (but not for games?)", but it
>would take someone who has a really deep knowledge of the internal workings
>of the system to come up with such an "image bitmap pointer" procedure
>(someone from the RunRev team or a geek working at the university?).
>Anyway, I am very happy for now. Many thanks to all who have contributed to
>the solution of setting pixels. I feel inspired enough by your obvious
>interest to actually go off and learn more about what I now consider to be a
>"viable" new language.
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|| Dave LeYanna ||
|| Director IS ||
|| Right to Life of Michigan ||
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