Mac Standalone works, Windows doesn't mystery.....

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Jan 25 21:33:01 EST 2003


First of all, you should put quotes around all object descriptors to avoid
confusion by the interpreter:

  enable button continue

should be:

  enable button "continue"

Do you get an error message, or does the button just not enable?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

----- Original Message -----
From: <DVGlasgow at>
To: <use-revolution at>
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 3:00 PM
Subject: Mac Standalone works, Windows doesn't mystery.....

> Is there any obvious reason why this snippet would work in the development
> environment and in a fat mac build, but not in a Windows build (built on
> Mac)? Button "continue" never gets enabled in the Windows standalone.
> There is  more script before, but it doesn't do anything very exciting at
> all, just concatenates various strings to make 'blurb'.
> "Affinity results.rev" is in the right place in both mac and windows
> distributions.
>   push card
>   get the directory
>   put "/affin2pics/Affinity Results.rev" after it
>   put it into trecords
>   go invisible stack trecords
>   if there is not a card gnewcard
>   then
>     clone card 2 of stack "affinity results"
>     set the name of it to gnewcard
>   end if
>   put blurb into field "assessment text" of card gnewcard
>   pop card
>   save stack "affinity results"
>   close stack "affinity results"
>   unlock screen
>   enable button continue
> Best wishes,
> David Glasgow
> Home/ forensic assessments --> <A
> DVGlasgow </A>
> Courses --> <A HREF="">i-Psych</A>
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