Passing Lists

miscdas at miscdas at
Wed Jan 15 16:01:01 EST 2003


Richard Gaskin writes: 

> Rob Cozens wrote: 
>> Simple stack: one field of text, "Text", and one button "Set Style". 
>> on mouseUp
>> ask "What style?"
>> put it into theStyle
>> set the textStyle of char 20 to 40 of field "Text" to theStyle
>> end mouseUp 
>> All is well so long as the style is a single item (eg: "plain",
>> "italic", "box", etc.), BUT try "bold,condense" or any combination of
>> multiple styles and nothing happens.  If I run the script in the
>> debugger, I get "Margin is not an integer". 
>> Who wants to be Sherlock of the Day? 
>> PS: I tried bold,condense and "bold,condense" with the same result.
> It may be that "condense" is not a supported Transcript text style (although
> the error message itself should be considered a bug -- what do "margins"
> have to do with text styles?). 
> I had thought only plain, bold, italic, underline, and strikeout were
> supported.

WIN XP, MetaCard 2.4.3 

Using your script, in the Ask dialog I tried all of the following with the 
listed result:
bold   bold was set
italic  italic was set
condense  error generated "Object: not a text style"
condensed  no apparent effect
expanded  no apparent effect
expand  error generated "Object: not a text style"
bold,condense  error generated "Object: not a text style"
bold,condensed  bold was set
bold,expanded  bold was set
bold,expand   error generated "Object: not a text style" 

So, it appears that "condensed" and "expanded" are valid, but have no effect 
(at least with the font I selected), and can be combined with other text 
styles in a single statement. 


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