List etiquette and general helpful hints

erik hansen erikhans08 at
Thu Jan 9 15:32:01 EST 2003

you are right.
 Bernard Devlin <revolution at> wrote:
> Politics, religion and cheese are all off topic. Off topic posts should be
> marked with the header OT, and kept to a minimum.

I would like to suggest that the policy of the list should be that off-topic
pushing religious, moral or political views are banned. They
have no place on a specialized list such as this one, can be offensive to those
who do not share these views, and only increase the noise on the list. There
are plenty of other places on the internet where people can indulge their belief
that they can hector or chastise other people.

I have already been offended by some of the religious and moral views I have
seen propounded here, but because I do not think this list should be cluttered
with such discussions I have abstained from expressing my offence.

If the policy of the list remains that such off-topic discussions are
permitted, then I will not be so restrained in future, and the noise level on
the list will increase. Furthermore, I shall feel free to spontaneously express
my moral and political views to the list, and no doubt others will then take

I suspect discussions of cheese and other comestibles may be unlikely to cause
much offence.

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