background image disappears when printing to PDF

Ray Bennett rjb at
Mon Feb 24 05:31:01 EST 2003

Well, hot on the trail of this, here's what I've learned.

If I turn the "alwaysbuffer" property off, the image magically appears 
on when PDFd/printed.  (it was also disappearing _any_ time I tried to 
print it from an XP box).


On Wednesday, Feb 12, 2003, at 22:05 America/New_York, Ray Bennett 

> Dear List - Sorry to be a pest.
> I have an image control with an imported (vice linked) image.  This 
> control was pasted into the background of a card.  This background 
> occurs on 15 cards.  The image is pretty small (175x175).
> When I use the Print Dialog to create a PDF of the stack, everything 
> works except that where the image control should be, the actual image 
> doesn't appear.  What _does_ appear is a 175x175 swatch of the 
> background image contained on the first card of the stack (where the 
> call to "print" the cards was made from).
> This was actually in Rev Classic 1.1.1 running under 9.2.2. within the 
> OS 10.2.3 environment.
> The print script is below.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ray
> (sorry for the length of the script snippit)
> <--begin script-->
>  sort lines of theList ascending numeric by word 1 of each
>   if the optionkey is down then
>     open printing with dialog
>   else
>     open printing
>   end if
>   lock screen
>   put false into lastPassFlag
>   repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in theList
>     if i = the number of lines in theList then
>       put true into lastPassFlag
>     end if
>     set the cursor to busy
>     --
>     put line i of theList into cardName
>     if the backgroundNames of card cardName contains "16" OR \
>         the backgroundNames of card cardName contains "32" then
>       if pagesToPrint = 2 then
>         push card
>         go card cardName
>         send "printThisCard false,2" to this card
>         pop card
>       else
>         push card
>         go card cardName
>         set the visible of scrollbar "rbscrollbar" to false
>         send "print32ChampBracket" to this card
>         set the visible of scrollbar "rbscrollbar" to true
>         if not(lastPassFlag) then
>           --don't do this the last time, or we get a blank page
>           print break
>         end if
>         pop card
>       end if
>     else
>       print card cardName of this stack into the rect of fld 
> "printpreview2" of card 1 of this stack
>       if not(lastPassFlag) then
>         --don't do this the last time, or we get a blank page
>         print break
>       end if
>     end if
>   end repeat
>   --
>   close printing
> <--end script-->
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