Why... is the selected text deselected?

Alex Rice alrice at arcplanning.com
Thu Feb 20 12:40:01 EST 2003

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 09:25  AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
> As it is relatively easy to code around in an
> openCard/closeCard pair, it's mostly an annoyance.

Yep, I was just making sure I wasn't coding around something 

> However, the question is : as HyperCard _did_ save
> this info, and a number of people may argue that this
> would be expexted behaviour, can we regard this as a
> bug ?

Never used HyperCard but am glad I stumbled upon this issue :-)


Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at ARCplanning.com
alrice at swcp.com

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