Force refresh a rotated, file referenced Image

Terry Judd tsj at
Mon Feb 10 22:14:02 EST 2003

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 01:31 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami 

> I use the following to rotate jpegs, it works great... the only 
> problem is that the interface doesn't update. The image is rotated and 
> if I run a separate handler to show a different image in 
> "CurrentImage" then come back to the image I rotated, it shows the new 
> orientation in image "CurrentImage"
> global gCurrentFolder, gLastLine
> on mouseUp
>   put gCurrentFolder & fld "currentImage" into jai
>   put jai into tPath
>   create image "Thumb"
>   set the rect of image "thumb" to the rect of  image "currentImage"
>   set the imagedata of image "thumb" to the imagedata of  image 
> "currentImage"
>   set the topleft of image "thumb" to 200,200
>   set the angle of image "thumb" to -90
>   export image "thumb" to URL ("binfile:"&jai)  as JPEG
>   delete image "thumb"
>   set the filename of image "currentImage" to jai
>      ## but the image is not updated by the above line
> end mouseup
> is there a way to force refresh the image to the file path all in the 
> same handler?

Have you tried locking and unlocking the screen? If that doesn't work 
by itself then how about locking the screen doing a double switch on 
the file reference and then unlocking it.



Dr Terry Judd
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052

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