intercept stack opening event in Windows

Rodney Tamblyn rodneyta at
Thu Dec 18 20:53:26 EST 2003

How do you go about intercepting a document open event in Windows, 
assuming you have a document type associated with a Revolution Windows 
stand-alone application?

On Mac you use an Appleevent handler to achieve this sort of thing.

I'm interested in not just detecting a document that caused the 
application to launch (e.g. user clicks on document which causes stand 
alone application to launch and process file) - I believe you can 
detect this by checking the $1 global parameter although haven't had 
any experience doing this myself.  I'm also interest in detecting 
subsequent document open events, e.g. if user clicks on additional docs 
associated with the stand alone, how can I detect an intercept these 

If there's no high level way of doing this I will just attempt to 
detect documents opening by intercepting preopenstack handlers.

~ Rodney

Rodney Tamblyn
5/3 Ellesmere Rd, Prahran, VIC 3181
Melbourne, Australia
email: rodney_tamblyn at (preferred contact)
cell: 	   61- (0)415635778
home: 61-3-95104353 (note: often busy/online)

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