Where is the top/bottom of the screen?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Mon Dec 15 14:46:53 EST 2003

Graham Samuel wrote:

> --  This table was created by experiment:
> --    OS        Platform  SystemVersion  Title Bar LeftSide RightSide Bottom
> --  Windows 95    Win32       4.0            24      4          4        4
> --  Windows 98    Win32       4.10           24      4          4        4
> --  Windows XP    Win32       NT 5.1         30      4          4        4
> --  Mac OS 9      MacOS       9.2.2          22      6          7        6
> --  Mac OS X      MacOS       10.2.6         22      1          1        1

Those are the default values, but it's worth noting that on Windows all of
those values (and many more) are settable.  As you've done with the registry
setting for CaptionHeight, if you need precise placement of multiple windows
you'll also want to get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control
Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics\BorderWidth", and do your abs(tValue / 15) to
convert Windows' "twips" to standard pixels.

BTW: Why does Windows use twips?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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