Newbie Help

Dennis F. Kahlbaum kbomb at
Thu Dec 11 10:07:41 EST 2003

As many newbie users have stated, the documentation for RR is lacking.
If you go through the tutorials, there is a sudden jump form learning
specific items to having to analyze an entire example project.  This
jump misses many common items found in GUI-based programs. As a newbie
myself, I am having difficulties with creating and processing radio
buttons (both multiple select and single-only select from multiple
choices), check boxes, scrolling lists with scroll bars, and scrolling
lists with check boxes.  I have searched the various RR web sites for
help with these items, but to no avail.  Therefore,  I would definitely
appreciate obtaining simple, working example stacks showing how to
program these common GUI features.  (I'm sure there other common GUI
features, so please feel free to supply examples of those, too).

Thank you very much in advance.

Dennis F. Kahlbaum
University of Michigan

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