Plugin feedback request

T. R. Ponn alptex2 at
Mon Dec 8 07:58:57 EST 2003

>- What's your favorite plug-in, and why?
Search Revolution Documentation...still being rather new to Rev, this 
has been extremely helpful to me.

>- Where do you look for plug-ins?
The RunRev site.

>- Have you encountered any conflicts betwee plug-ins, and if so what
>happened? (image ID conflict, stack or variable name conflict, messages not
>being passed, etc.)
No, but the number of plug-ins I use is very limited.

>- Do you prefer the more hip form of "Plugins" or the more grammatically
>correct but possibly staid form, "Plug-ins"?  (It's a small thing but if I'm
>going to make handouts I should at least spell it correctly. <g>)
I would call it "plugIns" :-)

>- Fill in the blank:  "The plug-in I want to see is one that does _______".
Hmmmm...more thought required here...


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