list of file paths and copying these files to new directory
Bob Hartley
bob at
Fri Dec 5 05:34:51 EST 2003
Hi All.
Thanks Sarah for the help again.
>>What I need is code, that when a button is clicked, will copy (or move)
>>the files listed in field 1 or gHierList (which ever the list is in) from
>>the source directory to a directory of the users choice.
>>I assume that to chose a destination directory you would use.
>>on mouseUp
>> answer folder "Please choose a folder:"
>>end mouseUp
>Yes, this will give you a path to the chosen destination folder.
>What happens next depends on whether you want to copy all your raw.pic
>files in a single destination directory or whether you want to re-create
>their original folder structure in the destination directory.
I want to copy all the files in a directory from the C:\drive IE the files
listed to another drive but only the one destination folder and I odnt need
to preserve the directory structure.
>Assuming the former (& easier), here is what I would do:
Yep the former
>answer folder "Please choose a folder:"
>put it into destFolder
>set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>put field "URL list" into theFiles
>repeat for each line f in theFiles
> put destFolder & "/" & last item of f into newFile
> revCopyFile f, newFile
>end repeat
>This is untested, has no error checking and provides no user feedback, but
>it should be enough to get you started. The "repeat for each" loop is
>always the fastest way to loop through any list.
OK tried this and got a message
executing at 10:27:44 AM
Type Chunk: no such object
Object Plonk Them Here
Line put field "URL list" into theFiles
Hint URL list
then i thought that the gHierList was put into field 1 so I added a 1 and got
compiling at 10:29:16 AM
Type Handler: bad command
Object Plonk Them Here
Line put field 1 "URL list" into theFiles
Hint URL list
Any ideas?
I really appreciate the help here. This is something for work so I'm keen
to get it finished, then I can relax and learn the app development in time.
see sig. I am designing this app (we you all are) for my biorad confocal
file transfer.
Dr. Robert Hartley, Spinal Cord Group, West Medical Building,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow. G12 8QQ
r.hartley at
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