Player & Long File Names

Reed Martin reedm at
Thu Aug 28 04:22:52 EDT 2003

Hi all!

I'm a long time MC user, just switched over to Revolution... looks pretty nice! :)

I had a quick question: I know that the "Player" object does not support long file names under Mac OS X.  This is clearly a major problem for anyone building an app that uses a Player object that allows users to open a QT file, because, essentially, it renders the thing entirely unreliable.

So, my question is, does anyone know a way around this? So, does anyone know how to:

1. Get a truncated file name from a long file path

2. Play an audio file other than through a player object

I've tried messing with AppleScript and terminal and I can't get anyone to convert between the two, even though it seems like I should be able to have some function that simply says something like:


But I certainly can't figure it out myself...  I can't ship my app until this works reliably, as I refuse to have some files work and others not -- it's just not the quality of app I need to ship.  (Adding a line in the readme that the user needs to rename their files is hardly user-friendly!)

Thanks for your help! :)


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