On line stores

Alex Rice alrice at arcplanning.com
Wed Aug 27 13:03:02 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 11:16  AM, John Tenny wrote:

> Anyone marketing through one of the on-line stores? If so, any 
> recommendations or pitfalls?
> I'm particularly interested in the education market, K-12 and college.

Are you asking about marketing, or just ecommerce solutions?

I have a shareware product for Mac OS X and I sell licenses via paypal 
and esellerate. Both are good; some people prefer pay pal, or prefer 
NOT to use paypal, so esellerate is a good backup. But neither of them 
provides any marketing persay.

There is a guy who posts a lot on the realbasic list who does 
international software marketing and distribution, and is apparently 
really good at it. Forgot his company name.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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