delete line x in Rev 2.1B2 vs. 2.1RC1

Dar Scott dsc at
Thu Aug 21 18:58:00 EDT 2003

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 04:03 PM, Rob Gould wrote:

> In 2.1B2, it deletes the line of text, and moves the line beneath up a 
> line, but in 2.1RC1, it deletes the text, but leaves line beneath in 
> it's original position.  I'm _guessing_ that the correct behavior is 
> that the line should empty out and the line beneath should move up a 
> slot.  Or, should I be using a different call now to get this 
> functionality? 

It is interesting (to someone weird like me) that what we expect for 
'delete line x...' is not the same as what we expect for 'put empty 
into line x ...'.  I wonder if there is an similar change in behavior 
for other non-char chunks.

Dar Scott

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