Revolution and fonts

Dar Scott dsc at
Tue Aug 19 17:40:28 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:04 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>>> Why would using any font necessarily require profiles or other 
>>> complex
>>> scripting?
>> My ignorance is showing.  I was imagining a battery of buttons being
>> the same length on one and fixed padded on another.
> I'm having difficulty imagining this.  Why wouldn't the textAlign 
> property
> cover that?

Ah, that's because you don't realize how wild my imagination might be 
when I'm ignorant.

I was picturing that three buttons in a column (assuming that is 
allowed in both platforms) might be required to be different on two 

Platform 1.  All buttons in a column must be the same width, a multiple 
of 10 pixels in width and greater than 25%  larger than the text 
content.  However, if any button is not related to the other the 
interbutton spacing must be at least 4 pixels greater and the size must 
be at least 10 pixels different.

Platform 2.  All buttons (in a column or not) must be exactly 42 pixels 
wider than the width of the text.

See?  I need to read those HIGs.  My fears are getting the best of me.

I have heard something on this list or related list that the "done" 
button goes in different places on different platforms.  I assume that 
can be handled with profiles or a tiny bit of scripting.

(Oh, yeah.  When I'm in a hurry, I don't set textAlign right or at 
least not in the most robust way.  Thanks for the reminder.)

Dar Scott

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