Richmond's big surprise....

Alex Rice alrice at
Mon Aug 18 10:21:00 EDT 2003

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 02:49  AM, Mathewson wrote:


Calm down man.

I understand your current situation leaves no money for software.

Revolution starter used to be Gratis, but is no longer. It was never 
Free, in the sense of Liberty, Free Software, Free Beer. Why do you now 
take this as a personal affront?

Have you thought of applying for a grant to pay for your software 
development? If you are writing multimedia software in an educational 
setting, and not being compensated at least for materials needed, then 
it seems there are a lot of foundations and programs that would grant 
you a stipend for that.

However the tone of your post leaves me with little sympathy. If your 
situation will be like this for the long term, maybe you should use an 
Open Source programming environment like... Python, Ruby or 
Squeak-Smalltalk? Open Source tools are guaranteed to remain Free, as 
long as there is a maintainer.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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