Portable fonts and usage recommendations needed

Mark Brownell gizmotron at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 16 17:30:01 EDT 2003

On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 02:45  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

> Why are fonts with the same names so different?
> Are there fonts that have exactly the same metrics on different 
> platforms?

Perhaps you can create a font map that works for you.

This is the shockwave solution


-- Font mappings specify which font and size substitutions to make when
-- moving from one platform to another.

-- The format for font mapping definitions is:

-- Platform:FontName => Platform:FontName [MAP NONE] [oldSize => 

--    Specifying MAP NONE turns off character mapping for this font.
--    If you specify size mappings, they apply for THAT FONT ONLY.

-- Here are some typical mappings for the standard Macintosh fonts:

Mac:Chicago       => Win:System
Mac:Courier       => Win:"Courier New"
Mac:Geneva        => Win:"MS Sans Serif"
Mac:Helvetica     => Win:Arial
Mac:Monaco        => Win:Terminal
Mac:"New York"    => Win:"MS Serif"
Mac:Symbol        => Win:Symbol  Map None
Mac:Times         => Win:"Times New Roman" 14=>12 18=>14 24=>18 30=>24
Mac:Palatino      => Win:"Times New Roman"

-- Here are some typical mappings for the standard Windows fonts:

Win:Arial             => Mac:Helvetica
Win:"Courier"         => Mac:Courier
Win:"Courier New"     => Mac:Courier
Win:"MS Serif"        => Mac:"New York"
Win:"MS Sans Serif"   => Mac:Geneva
Win:Symbol            => Mac:Symbol  Map None
Win:System            => Mac:Chicago
Win:Terminal          => Mac:Monaco
Win:"Times New Roman" => Mac:"Times" 12=>14 14=>18 18=>24 24=>30

-- Note: When mapping from Windows to Macintosh, Courier and Courier 
-- map onto Courier.  When coming back to Windows only Courier New
-- will be used.

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