button resize
Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de
Sat Aug 16 06:48:00 EDT 2003
Hi Andrew and Graham,
> On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 12:33 PM, Andrew wrote:
> [...]
> Say I create a cartoon of a man in
>> photoshop and I paste him into Revolution. Then my little man
>> becomes
>> an "image" in Revolution language. However, when I paste him in, the
>> rect of the image is the size of the entire card! How can I get the
>> rect of my little man to be exactly the size of him?
> I was about to suggest pasting into a locked (size and position) image
> object, because
> I thought this would resize the picture to the image size like it does
> in SuperCard, but a
> quick experiment shows that it doesn't. Must Andrew therefore do the
> resizing either
> outside RunRev or inside via script?
a general rule: images look best 1:1...
Means they look best (at least in RR) when they are NOT resized in any
In Andrews case i am almost sure that the resolution is something else
but not 72 dpi.
Only image-editors and layout-applications "know" what image resolution
other than
72 dpi really means...
All other apps, including RR, will always display images at this
They tend to "think" in pixel...
Means if you saved an image in Photoshop with 144 dpi it will appear
double-sized in RR.
So you will have to set the correct resolution (72 dpi, in case you
forgot) before importing/using
this image in RR to get the best results possible...
> I am interested in a RunRev internal solution myself - can anyone
> suggest the
> most efficient one? I know there have been previous discussions about
> creating
> thumbnails, but I couldn't find an actual recipe for importing an
> arbitrarily-sized
> picture into a fixed-size image (and reducing the resolution on the
> way).
This way you are going to have the original sized image only displayed
a little smaller,
means the filesize (the number of bytes occupied in your stack) is the
This is the way i do this:
import an image, resize it as desired and THEN import a snapshot of the
area of the scaled image.
Will end in a smaller (size and bytes) image...
> ...
> Graham
Hope that helps...
Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de
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