Possible to make a Fetch-like app in Rev?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 13 11:13:00 EDT 2003

--- RGould8 at aol.com wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if it's technically possible to
> make an app that works 
> like "Fetch" on the Mac?
> I basically need to write an app that:
> 1)   Permits the user to drag-and-drop a graphic,
> powerpoint or QT file onto 
> the Revolution stack and automatically upload it to
> an FTP server.
> 2)   Detects whether it's just 1 file, or a
> collection of files that's being 
> dragged onto the app.
> 3)   The app needs to run on Mac and Windows.

Hi there,

Of course it's technically feasible :-)

1) make a field with the following script

on dragEnter
  -- we only accept if a file is being dragged
  -- more checking could be done by examining the
files that are being dropped
  if the dragData["files"] is not empty
  then set the acceptDrop to true
end dragEnter

on dragDrop
  put the dragData["files"] into tFilePaths
  repeat for each line tFilePath in tFilePaths
    -- first get the filename
    set the itemDelimiter to "/"
    put item -1 of tFilePath in tFileName
    -- now upload the file to the server
    libURLFTPUploadFile tFilePath, \
        gServerPath & tFileName
  end repeat
end dragDrop

2) In the above scenario, check the number of lines of
the dragData["files"] and act accordingly

3) That shouldn't be any problem at all...

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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