Losing track of time

Pierre Sahores psahores at easynet.fr
Fri Aug 8 15:01:02 EDT 2003

Howard Bornstein wrote:
> I've got a simple reminder program that takes a number (representing 
> minutes) and plays a chime when that many minutes is up.
> The reminder script is:
> on reminder
>   global SendID
>   put fld "TheTime" into timer
>   send reminder to me in timer*60 seconds  
>   put the result into sendID
>   play "chime2.wav"
> end reminder
> The problem is that, for example, if I set the timer to chime every hour, 
> I am losing about 5 seconds each time I cycle through. Originally, this 
> was because I had the play "chime2.wav" command before the send reminder 
> command. So it would play the chime, which takes several seconds, before 
> resetting the time.
> But now I've switched the order to the above handler and I'm *still* 
> getting this lost time per cycle.
> Is it possible that the play command somehow stops the internal timer of 
> the send command? This seems highly unlikely but I can't think what else 
> would be causing this delay, which pushes me further past the hour as the 
> cycles continue.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Howard Bornstein
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Try this :

 > on idle
 >   global Lasttime
 >   if the seconds = (lasttime+3600) then
 >     add 3600 to Lasttime
 >     play "chime2.wav"
 >   end if
 > end idle

Set up the Lasttime starting value in using a button or so

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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