Arrays and custom properties

Mark Brownell gizmotron at
Fri Aug 8 00:08:00 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 10:37  PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

> On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 10:13  PM, Alex Rice wrote:
>>> No matter how long I use Revolution I think I will always be 
>>> learning.
>> Dar you could teach me about sockets, binary encoding, endian-ness 
>> and a dozen other things and I'll teach you about custom properties 
>> :-)
>> Alex Rice

... and if both of you got together on this...

I decided to do some testing myself.

put: go url "" into the message 
window with a active internet connection.

Wow! Wow! Wow! This Rev stuff is so cool, fast, and amazing. I've found 
the needed speed optimization I was looking for.


I'll bet Dar Scott would know this one.

In the last part of the final process for Blowfish:

     put (xL bitAnd 4278190080 ) / 16777216 into zap
     put numToChar( (zap bitAnd 255) ) after cipherText
     put numToChar( ((xL bitAnd 16711680) / 65536 ) ) after cipherText
     put numToChar( (( xL bitAnd 65280 ) / 256 ) ) after cipherText
     put numToChar( ( xL bitAnd 255 ) ) after cipherText
     put (xR bitAnd 4278190080 ) / 16777216 into zap
     put numToChar( (zap bitAnd 255) ) after cipherText
     put numToChar( ((xR bitAnd 16711680) / 65536 ) ) after cipherText
     put numToChar( (( xR bitAnd 65280 ) / 256 ) ) after cipherText
     put numToChar( ( xR bitAnd 255 ) ) after cipherText

xL and xR are 32 bit numbers that could be stored in an array as a 
custom properties set. Blowfish takes a major speed hit when putting 
text into the "put ... after cipherText" variable. Is there a better 
way to store these 32 bit numbers than putting them in a stored array?

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