Amazing Splash Screen Effect...

Mark Talluto revlists at
Tue Aug 5 19:18:00 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 04:40 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

>> Hang in there.  Antialiasing images is coming to Rev soon!
> Why would one want to use rev to anti-alias an image? It's graphics 
> that are
> required.
I have a particular project I am working on that needs antialiased 
images.  Windows does a pretty good job of munching grey scale images 
when sized down.  It does pixel dropping vs antialiasing.  Churns out a 
pretty ugly image when sized small.

Antialiasing graphics (vector graphics I presume) would be a cool 
feature as well.  Maybe we can get more of these graphic features into 
the engine as well.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

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