[Suggestion]: 'Lock scrollbars' property

Jim Witte jswitte at bloomington.in.us
Mon Aug 4 11:37:00 EDT 2003


   (Disclaimers: I'm only using version 2.0, not 2.0.2, and there may be 
better ways to do this - I know it's been discussed at length on the 
list)  It seems intuitive that you could set a "Lock scrollbars' 
property if you select multiple fields.  The advantage of this (aside 
from making UI building easier, see above disclaimer) is that if this 
were implemented in Metacard (as opposed to the Rev environment writing 
some automatic scrollbarDrag messages) is that code that locks the two 
fields together could be done at the C level, not in transcript which 
(might) be faster.

   Although I don't know how the various pre-compiling and optimizations 
work, so there may be no real speed advantage at all (not that I'm 
looking at this from a CS perspective of the most time-efficient 
implementation, not the user-level, where it doesn't matter that it 
takes a few microseconds more ;)


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