Parsing XML

Steve Anderson Steve_Anderson at
Mon Aug 4 06:06:01 EDT 2003

Hi there

In my first go with Revolution I created a card with a button that when 
pushed would attempt to parse a simple XML file, unfortunately I 
encountered the following problems.

1.  Using the function revCreateXMLTreeFromFile, Revolution was unable 
to successfully parse my simple file, though it seemed to parse the XML 
tags fine when I used revCreateXMLTree instead.

2.  The handlers I included in the card's script for revStartXMLTree, 
revStartXMLNode, revStartXMLData, revEndXMLNode and revEndXMLTree 
messages were never fired, though the handlers for xmlStartDocument and 
xmlEndDocument messages were.  Surprisingly, I can't even find any info 
about xmlStartDocument and xmlEndDocument in the help.

Where am I going wrong?! Any advice would be much appreciated.


Mac OS X...
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