rtftext and matchChunk

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Sun Aug 3 15:08:03 EDT 2003

On Sunday, August 3, 2003, at 11:21 AM, Peterson Trethewey wrote:

> Looks like the regular expression "\s" doesn't match
> whitespace that comes from rtf text.  Okay, that
> problem is specific enough that I can work around it.

Very strange.  (And not just your matching a word with white-space in 
it. ;-)

 From presumed applicable regex doc:


is this:

The \s characters are HT  (9),  LF  (10),  FF (12), CR (13), and space 

Could rtf be creating any character outside that?  Are you using any 
interesting encoding?  I know you have a workaround in the works, but 
this is, uh, intriguing.

Are your examples that you type in and work all on one line?

Dar Scott

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