Beta 2.0 OSX Distribution issues, etc. (Trevor DeVore)

Robert Arnold rfarnold at
Mon Apr 7 19:14:05 EDT 2003

Trevor DeVore wrote:
> The Distribution Builder failed every time for me on OS X with the
> beat.  There is some code in the build button which refers to a field
> name that doesn't exist.  Since I wanted to test some builds I
> commented out a line in the revdistributionbuilder.rev (in the tools
> folder of the distribution) file.  The line is part of the "Build
> Distribution" button script:
> if field "OSX document file" of card 7 is not empty ...
> The distribution builder will work on OS X has worked fine for me every
> since.
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Multimedia
> trevor at

Sounds very interesting -- I'll try it. Did you get the proper name of the
application in the application menu in your successful builds, or was the
name "name" used instead?


Bob Arnold

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