Payment Processing

kee nethery kee at
Sat Apr 5 22:47:00 EST 2003

On Thursday, April 3, 2003, at 05:19 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> kee nethery wrote:
>>> You save this document locally then you launch it in a browser. It 
>>> then
>>> submits the form as it's being loaded and you go to Kagi or wherever.
>> FYI: We are waiting for rev 2.0 to do the rev integration into the 
>> Kagi
>> processing engine. We could do it today but 2.0 with SSL will be 
>> faster
>> and easier to implement.
> Did I miss something about 2.0 supporting SSL?  I couldn't find 
> reference to
> it on the Rev 2.0 page -- where do I get the details?

I could be totally wrong about 2.0 supporting SSL. I'm not using 2.0 
beta (in our production environment beta software is not worth using).

When "SSL shortly after 2.0 is released" is mentioned, what is a 
typical "shortly after" time frame? Years, months weeks or days?  If 
2.0 is not going to support SSL for more than a month then it sounds 
like it is time for us to build the registration algorithms for Kagi 
using the alternate method that does not utilize SSL.

Kee Nethery

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