.mov .mpg ?

Andre Rombauts andre.rombauts at win.be
Mon Sep 16 15:22:01 EDT 2002

>> I have designed a small QT player inside an application. Eveything is OK
>> when I read .mov files. Bu with .mpg files if I send a play pause then
>> resume command the file starts again at position 0... :-(

> Not sure, but I do know that some parts of some QT versions break under some
> versions of the OS. Need to know:
> 1) Platform
> 2) OS/Windows version
> 3) QT version

Designed under eMac G4 using OSX, QT 5. Not tested under windows yet.
How do you explain .mov files are OK when playing and .mpg files cannot be
controled ... (any action leads to starting back at frame 0...)...


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