Stacks delivered via the web?

Rick Harrison harrison at
Sun Sep 15 16:38:01 EDT 2002

on 9/15/2002 5:19 PM, Judy Perry at jperryl at wrote:

> Hi,
> I was just admitted to a 2nd master's program in instructional design &
> technology.  They want us to use Director, but have said that I can use
> Rev if I can deliver the stacks and stack content via the web (and they
> don't mean download an executable file and run it locally).
> ...
> Thanks for any directions you can offer.
> Judy Perry


It sounds like what you really want to do is design a website.
You do not mean that you want to deliver the stacks via the web,
you are talking about building the website/content with Revolution yes?

Revolution can certainly do some of these things, but without knowing
anything about your project or the scope of the project, it is a little
too difficult to determine if Revolution has the capability to do what
you are trying to accomplish.

Perhaps if you could be more specific as to the nature of your project
we might be able to give you a better answer as to which direction you
need to go with it.  Another deciding factor is how soon is your project

Good luck!

Rick Harrison

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