Question about POST
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
katir at
Thu Sep 5 17:41:01 EDT 2002
Not sure if we understand you correctly but if your intent is to
take data from a form in a Revolution card and send it to a CGI, using
POST, then the normal method is to URLEncode that data. The following
script encodes a simple form and sends it to the generic ""
Perl script which is a CGI on a remote server. it wants just to get the
persons name and address info plus comments.
There is a very big caveat, though, related to spam and service
attacks, if the CGI is hosted on a server that is not under your
control: most servers and many CGI's that process incoming data will
only accept data that is generated from forms that are resident on the
same host system, or from authorized domains that are hard coded into
the CGI script.
In the script that was set to process the following
data...after I set the "authorized domains" variable in [Matt's] on the host system (where our content is hosted on a
virtual domain), the following failed if used in any standalone that
was distributed... because, obviously, the standalone was posting the
data through the ISP of the user that was using the standalone and thus
appeared to the server that was running the CGI as a spam attack on the
CGI from an outside, unauthorized domain.
I was never able to resolve this one.. . I hesitated to remove the
authorized domain variable from the, because our server
logs clearly show attempts to spam "formmail" by hackers, and although
the sys admin for the HOST is pretty soft on this one and has no global
protection in place against it... there would be serious repercussions
if one of my forms were the cause of the server going down....
I resorted to asking people in the stand alone to simply email us
their name and address and contact information from their own email
client... here the intent was to let them "register" as a user from
within the standalone,
Can anyone else comment on this? I could be missing something very
simple here. Could one somehow keep the authorized domain list on the
host machine's CGI and still create a mechanism on a publicly
distributed standalone to post data to that CGI from an ISP other than
the machine that hosted the CGI? Where the domain from which the POST
was originating would be completely unknown? i suppose if I used a
faceless xTalk CGI and configured it to accept only input from the
standalone, that could also be another solution?
Insights anyone?
local tText
put "a-email,j-subject,k-comments,i-country,b-firstname,c-lastname"
into requiredFields
repeat for each item z in requiredFields
if fld z is empty then
answer "Email, name, subject, country and comments are required.."
select text of fld z
exit to metacard
end if
end repeat
set the cursor to watch
put "to=" & fld "recipient" into tText
put "CyberHall--" & fld "j-subject" into jai
put "&sub="&urlEncode(jai) after tText
put "&from="&urlEncode(fld "a-email") after tText
put "&a-firstName="&urlEncode(fld "b-firstName") after tText
put "&c-lastName="&urlEncode(fld "c-lastName") after tText
put "&d-add1="&urlEncode(fld "d-add1") after tText
put "&e-add2="&urlEncode(fld "e-add2") after tText
put "&f-city="&urlEncode(fld "f-city") after tText
put "&g-state="&urlEncode(fld "g-state") after tText
put "&h-zip="&urlEncode(fld "h-zip") after tText
put "&i-country="&urlEncode(fld "i-country") after tText
put "&k-Comments="&urlEncode(fld "k-Comments") after tText
post tText to url ""
set the cursor to watch
showreport it
end mouseUp
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 13:34:08 -0300
> Subject: Question about POST
> From: Andre Garzia <soapdog at>
> To: use-revolution at
> Reply-To: use-revolution at
> Hi Comunity,
> i want to make an app that fill a web form using the post method, i
> found the post keyword in the transcript dictionary but how do i tell
> wich content go under wich var... my form is a little complex with many
> fields and the post keyword says post chunk to site, how do i order
> that
> data? if someone could please help.... just mail me some copy&paste
> code, i'll figure the rest... Tanx in advance.
> Andre Garzia Ô£ø 2002
> imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira....
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 09:42:23 -0700
> To: use-revolution at
> From: Kee Nethery <kee at>
> Subject: I changed the name of a stack
> Reply-To: use-revolution at
> I'm told I sent this to the wrong address and that I should resend
> it. Sorry if you have seen it previously.
> -------------------------------------------
> I changed the name of a stack in the properties and at the directory
> level. The properties name is (and was) different from the file name.
> Now when I open the stack from within the Revolution development
> environment most of the menus are greyed out. In the "Object" menu
> the only selectable menu items are "Colors and Patterns", "New
> Control" and "Alignment Palete".
> I cannot access the scripts or properties of the stack via the Object
> menu. I changed the name back to what it was but that doesn't seem to
> help.
> I can get to the scripts if I put it into debug mode and then press
> the edit script button but that is a kludge.
> What secret move do I need to do to be able to once again deal with
> this stack as a normal stack?
> Do I have to rebuild it from the ground up and use the debug edit
> kludge to grab all the scripts?
> Kee Nethery
> --__--__--
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