Errors using libUrlFtpUploadFile

Mac Dude macbox at
Sat Oct 5 19:43:01 EDT 2002

I'm uploading a file to an FTP server using libUrlFtpUploadFile.  My 
exact syntax is:

     libUrlFtpUploadFile theFilePath, theURL, "uploaded"

I've also included a "Cancel" button with the following script:

on mouseUp
     close this stack
end mouseUp

This appears to stop the file transfer, and of course closes the stack, 
however, if i attempt to do another transfer it fails, returning simply 
"error"  here is the handler that shows this:

on uploaded theURL, theStatus
     if theStatus is not "uploaded" then
        answer "Upload failed:" & return  & theStatus
     end if
     unload url theURL
     close this stack
end UploadComplete

I'm using the latest BETA internet lib.  Can anyone tell me if this is 
a bug in MY code, REV's code, or the latest internetLib's code?  Aside 
from the "Cancel" button, all the rest of the code works, and does 
upload the file.

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