copying multiple objects to clipboard

Glasgow, David David.Glasgow at
Fri Oct 4 11:04:00 EDT 2002

The hospital I work at is making the painful transition to Electronic Patient Records.  I have developed an assessment that at present creates a stack for each test. These can be browsed from within the standalone, the main representation being a 'circumplex' chart (about which I am still chuffed to bits, 18 months after scripting it originally with the starter kit).  Alternatively, the raw and z scores can be copied from a field and pasted into SPSS, or whatever.

Now the problem is that the results need to be placed into the patient record.  The easiest way of doing that is to copy and both the chart and the data together and then paste them into the relevant EPR document.  I could just copy an image of the card, but then the data wouldn't be searchable or amenable to aggregating with others.  So, can I copy multiple objects, specifically an image and some text, to the clipboard, and then paste them together in a single step into another application?  Grouping them won't work, because I think the destination won't then be the clipboard....although I'm not sure I quite get this bit of the docs.  How about putting an image of the chart, and the data into an invisible field and then copying that?

I know I should experiment, but the kids need a taxi driver in 10 minutes.

Best wishes,

David Glasgow

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