General Lists vs Special Lists

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Thu Nov 21 17:01:02 EST 2002

>sn't this whole thread a big waste of valuable bandwidth?

Anonymous quote from my college days:

Generalist: A person who learns less and less about more and more, 
and ends up knowing nothing about everything.

Specialist: A person who learns more and more about less and less, 
and ends up knowing everything about nothing.

It occurs to me these definitions could be updated to present day:

Gereral List: A list where people talk less and less about more and 
more, and end up saying nothing about everything.

Special List: A list where people talk more and more about less and 
less, and end up saying everything about nothing.


General List -- The HyperCard forum as I remember it, and by 
extension other unmoderated forums and wikis (sp?).  IMFO, they are 
only useful as demonstrations of anarchy.

Special List -- A group of Phd quantum physicists discussing the 
intricacies of sub atomic particle composition (as imagined by 
outsiders...I don't mean to imply quantum physicists don't have a 
sense of humor.  The implications of their findings astounding*.) 
The MetaCard List?  Erik's comment seems to imply it; I recall some 
snotty conversations I participated in when I was an MC List member 
(I remember them as candid exchanges among people who knew each other 
well enough to be frank); but I don't remember it as humorless.

Balanced List-- The HyperCard mailing list through all its hosts 
since U of Michigan.  An interest in the general subject was common 
to all List members; but few, if any, claimed to be HyperCard 
specialists.  The breadth of knowledge and discussion on the HC list, 
IMFO, demonstrates the kind of mix of subject knowledge, general 
discussion, and good-natured humor that defines the ideal list.

I trust in Heather to keep this from becoming a General List.

I give fair warning to Erik,  miscdas, and anyone else who wants to 
make this into a Special List: I will fight you every step of the way.

And BTW, isn't it wasting bandwidth and your time to respond to a 
message clearly labeled "Off Topic" instead of just deleting it and 
getting on with your life if you were not interested?

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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