the joy of animated GIFs

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at
Tue Nov 19 17:32:01 EST 2002

On Dienstag, November 19, 2002, at 06:55  Uhr, Rob Cozens wrote:

>> iDraw costs $40.
> Hi Barry,
> If you have another means of creating images in GIF, TIFF, PICT, or 
> Photoshop format, Sarah recently pointed me to GifBuilder which gives 
> you all you need to create animated gifs and is FREE
A good old fellow...;) But its OS9 only. iDraw is for OSX and its a 
Vector Drawing tool too. I had a short look at it.. Its not Illu;) of 
course, but very easy to use. I was surprised that it can handle 
animated gifs too..

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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