Can I do "Digest Authentification"

Alex Rice alex at
Tue Nov 19 11:42:01 EST 2002

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 08:39  AM, RGould8 at wrote:

> Not sure if I'm describing this properly, but I've been asked to write 
> an app that sends XML data to a device via TCP/IP, but the device is 
> expecting "Digest Authentification" as part of the http POST method.  
> Can anyone tell me if Revolution supports this type of 
> authentification, or if there's another means of doing Digest 
> Authentification?  I'm writing this for Mac OS 8,9 and X.
> My friends on the PC-side tell me that they wrote their version with 
> Visual Basic, and used some sort of Microsoft XML library, with an 
> XML.HTTP.SEND call.  They said something about using an "MD5 Hash".  
> I'm not familiar with VB at all - - - I'm just hoping that Revolution 
> has comparible support for such a call.  If Revolution can do this, it 
> will make my day!

Rev does have a md5Digest() function. Using that you could encypt the 
username and password, and use libURLSetCustomHTTPHeaders() to 
configure the HTTP request to include the Username and Password with 
the http request. I haven't tried this, but it seems like it should 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alex_rice at

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