Repeatloop in mouseDown handler wont end

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Nov 18 11:38:00 EST 2002

--- Rob Cozens <rcozens at> wrote:
> >on mouseRelease
> >   if "updateMe" is in the pendingMessages then
> >     cancel "updateMe"
> >   end if
> >end mouseRelease
> Just curious, Jan,
> The Rev Dictionary states the argument to cancel is
> the id of the 
> message (though it then gives an example referencing
> a line from 
> pendingMessages).  It does not show or mention
> cancelling an event by 
> name.  I trust it works, or you would not have
> posted this.
> BTW, someone posted something along the lines of:
>     send "someMessage" to me in x seconds
>     put it into messageId
> a few days ago.  This will NOT work: the second line
> should be "put 
> the result into messageId".

Hi Rob,

You are of course absolutely right. Both these things
must have slipped by me (probably because I never have
to cancel my messages anyway ;-)

Thanks for the heads-up.

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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