The RR programming model

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Thu Nov 14 13:50:01 EST 2002

--- Fred_D_Yocum at wrote:
> Stacks and Messages paths --and yet that doesn't
> seem clear enough to me.
> Looking at the discussion on the list, it is
> frequently stressed if  you want
> speed, you keep the data out of the stack-card-field
> paradym and put the
> information in a variable or an array.
> Another words if I was designing an address
> database: with my stack hat on I
> think I should create a stack with multiple cards
> each dedicated to the
> information of one individual. But this does not
> seem to be what I should doing.
> I should really be keeping things out of
> stacks-cards-fields except for display
> purposes and then I'm back a not dis-similar method
> of programing than any
> other?.
> Fred

Hi Fred,

Speed is a very 'relative' thing. As long as you don't
have a huge amount of cards and/or don't have to do
complicated sorting all of the time, the stack+card
paradigm works just fine.
Besides, sometimes we're talking about seconds instead
of a minute. If you have a minute to spare, you don't
need to invest extra time to make it as speedy as
Because it takes time to switch data from one format
to another, and quite a bit of time in both thinking
and programming to make all these switches happen.

One of the differences between HyperCard and
MetaCard/RunRev is that HC used a disk-based scheme,
whereas MC/RR uses a ram-based scheme.
This means that MC/RR have to load the _entire_ stack
into memory, whereas HC would just read what it needed
and swap to disk whenever it needed the memory.
Consequence of this difference: MC/RR is faster, but
large stacks slow it down considerably.

At any rate, for a home-grown application, the
stack+cards approach works just fine. For a commercial
application, you'll probably want to look at a
database back-end anyway. And then, RunRev is an
excellent candidate for the front-end.

Just my 2 euro-cents,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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