sending email
Monte Goulding
monte at
Sat Nov 9 19:30:01 EST 2002
Heres the script that I use to abstract from the libSMTP API. Watch for
on sendmail pText, pAttachment, pTo, pFrom, pSubject, pSMTP
put url "" into tHome
if tHome is "" then
answer error "Could not contact server! Please check your internet
connection and try again." titled "Could not contact server."
exit to top
end if
libSMTP_serverInfo pSMTP
libSMTP_mailFrom item 1 of pFrom , item 2 of pFrom
repeat for each line strRecipientListLine in pTo
if the number of items of pTo > 1 then
libSMTP_recipient item 1 of strRecipientListLine, item 2 of
libSMTP_recipient item 1 of strRecipientListLine
end if
end repeat
repeat for each line strAttachmentListLine in pAttachment
libSMTP_attachment strAttachmentListLine
end repeat
libSMTP_messageSubject pSubject
libSMTP_messageBodyText pText
libSMTP_mailerInfo "Revolution SMTP Socket v1.0.0 (2002.05.27.2)"
put libSMTP_send() into tSuccess
if tSuccess <> "" then
answer error tSuccess
end if
end sendmail
Cheers Monte
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